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Returning to work the exception - Pregnant Workers


During the pandemic, pregnant workers have been advised to follow strict social distancing to reduce the risk of severe illness from coronavirus.

There is a long-standing requirement for employers to put in place measures to ensure workplace safety where a significant health and safety risk is identified for a new or expectant mother.

Some pregnant workers will be at greater risk of severe illness from coronavirus. They are defined as clinically extremely vulnerable, and they should stay at home as much as possible and work from home if they can. This guidance should be adhered to and continue whilst other employees begin to return to the workplace as the lockdown restrictions are lifted.

All pregnant employees should receive a personal risk assessment, employers need to take COVID into account in their risk assessment.

If you cannot put the necessary control measures in place, such as adjustments to the job or working from home, you should suspend the pregnant worker on paid leave. This is in line with normal requirements under regulation 16(3) of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999.

Non-COVID risks should not be forgotten at this time, new and expectant mothers require more support from employers, but looking after employees at this delicate time often increases employee engagement and retention.

New and expectant mothers are offered protection from discrimination by the Equality Act 2010 make sure you are complying with all requirements to care for these individuals and not discriminating against them.

If you are concerned about your business practices please contact us today and allow us to support you to alleviate your concerns.

Call us today on 01935 411 191 or email through the button below to arrange a convenient time for an initial consultation as to how we can help you protect your business.


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