With more people working from home these past couple of years, questions have been raised about how effective it is and how it may affect employees. Some think that working from home has a negative impact on work ethic, however there are multiple misconceptions about hybrid working and working from home in general.

Workers are less engaged when working from home.
Many believe that remote working has decreased engagement within work, however this doesn’t seem to be the case as different studies have shown that around two-thirds of employees are more likely to report that they are engaged and more productive at work, (Lilly,2021). The ONS (2021) have reported that individuals feel that it takes less time to complete jobs as there are less distractions at home than in an office.
Well-being of employees declines
Statistics have shown that hybrid working has improved employees work life balance and it has been found to be beneficial to their well-being. In fact, improved staff well-being is the main reason as to why businesses intend to use increased home-working, (ONS, 2021).
People feel less included when working remotely.
Despite being out of the normal workplace, it has been found that employees with access to remote work options are 93% more likely to report that they feel included (Zimmermann, 2021).
For hybrid working to work, there needs to be a focus on communication and the wellbeing of employees. Employers also need to make sure that workers have the correct equipment to be working from home, from having the right technology to having a comfortable workspace, (CIPD, 2021).
By looking into these factors, then a healthy and productive workforce can be seen in hybrid working.
To find out how we can help or to discuss the matter further, call us on 01935 411191 or email enquiries@rbhr.co.uk. One of our trained HR consultants will be able to answer your queries and recommend solutions.