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Liam's Kickstarter Journey


Having graduated University in the summer of 2021, like many people my age I was unsure of what my next step would be in terms of a career.

I moved back to Somerset after finishing my degree in Cardiff, and was apprehensive about job opportunities, especially considering the presence of Covid 19 and the looming potential of another nationwide lockdown. Through work experience while at school and talks with my university tutor I found that HR seemed like a good career path for me, knowing this I applied at RBHR after hearing about the Kickstart scheme. It caught my attention as it sounded like a great way to gain some hands-on experience. Having only ever had one job before (a part time role at a café) I was tense about the process, but I was put at ease during my interview as it sounded like the company would be a great fit for me.

The first few weeks was a real learning experience, I was having to get to grip with not just my role but working in an office in general! But the team were incredibly patient and made me very welcome as well as helping me get to grips with everything I needed for the job. Luckily there was a former Kickstarter working there as well who was able to give me some tips and advice and to answer any questions I had!

I’ve had access to a plethora of opportunities which has helped me get a real grasp of the different aspects of the HR industry. I’ve had the chance to be involved in the learning and development training process, including helping deliver management training in Salisbury. I’ve also had the opportunity to learn first-hand about recruitment, due to being involved in a recruitment campaign for a client. This included advertising and research as well screening potential candidates! Having the opportunity to experience different roles and working with clients first-hand has been the most valuable part of my Kickstart experience as it has really helped me learn some essential skills and get used to the HR industry. I was worried my role would be doing the same thing every day but that has luckily not been the case at all, and the benefit of RBHR’s small size is that I’ve really been able to get involved in work that I likely would not have had the chance to in a large company. The small size of the team has really allowed me to find my place. The skills and experience I have obtained during my kickstart programme will be invaluable for my progression.


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