Take a moment to step back in time and remember when we used to gather in a training room, delegates sat at the desks and the trainer standing at the front conducting a training course or facilitating the workshop.

They really were the good old days for the past 18 months, the global business community have adopted video online training and conferencing. Now this does have its advantages, it’s obviously cheaper as there are no overhead costs or delegate costs such as transport and commute time. It also has it’s disadvantages, it’s difficult to gain rapport with other students and the trainer, difficult to become involved in conversations, not sure who is going to speak and then speaking over them, it is easy to become disengaged because you are purely looking at a screen.
Earlier this month, RBHR opened our training room doors and welcomed our first set of delegates into the building for the first face to face training since the pandemic began.
Seeing people sat in the same room was exhilarating . Before the session started, I had some anxiety. I was asking myself can I still do this, am I going to be able to deliver a fun session, and what about my hands where do they go!!
All of the delegates preferred being back in the room, they enjoyed seeing other people, they relished the opportunity to interact in a personal setting. They all felt engaged and part of the training.
RBHR have shown our commitment to providing on site training. Utilising our large training room, which still allows social distancing. We are committed to providing the highest level of learning for all delegates who enter the business. We also recognise that some employers would like to continue with online, we have adopted a hybrid approach to facilitate this.
All of the courses we offer, mental health awareness, leadership, management skills can be delivered both online and physically, they can be made unique to your organisation showcasing your company culture, values and ideals. But most of all they will be high quality, making sure that anyone attends comes out of the session feeling engaged, motivated and ready to pass on the learning they have received in order to make a difference.
For more information on the training courses and packages which we offer call 01935 411191 or enquiries@rbhr.co.uk
I look forward to welcoming you to a training session soon
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