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Dixie Newman Kickstarter Journey!


Dixie Newman

Before Covid, I was pursuing my dreams in acting, working on shop floors as and when, to earn some cash in London. I had never been exposed to working in an office environment and felt quite naive to what opportunities were out there for me.

I had moved back to Somerset during the pandemic, and although taking time off gave me the break I needed, I was worried that I’d never find a new job that would suit me and my needs.

Hearing about the Kickstart scheme through my work coach seemed too good to be true at first. And as I researched more and was sent all the new roles that were available to young adults like me, I felt a huge sense of relief and hope. These next 6 months were going to get me out of the rut of lockdown and give me new skills that I could take with me, going back to London.

I was one of the lucky ones when it came to landing a job. I had applied to three different roles, ranging from marketing assistant to drama teacher, feeling nervous as to if I could adapt to something I had never done before.

I was shocked and delighted to have got an interview with an HR firm in Yeovil, RBHR. The interview process was one of the most enjoyable ones I’ve had so far, and I really felt a sense of community within the team. A week later I had luckily secured my role as a Learning & Development Officer with them, and suddenly my future was looking brighter.

From day one in the office, I felt at home. I met the other Kickstarter, Coleen who was the Digital Marketing Executive, and I felt so lucky to be sharing this journey with someone in the same boat – a little terrified but excited! Each member of the team welcomed me and put my nerves at ease. I was thrown into the deep end, working in a way that was alien to me. But with the help of the team, everything became familiar, and I could carry out tasks confidently. What was even more special to me, was that I got to use my acting skills to help with training and receiving positive feedback after, gave me the self-assurance that was missing for a while. I was in my element!

Now that I am just over halfway with my time at RBHR, I can wholeheartedly say that I have learnt such valuable skills to take forward, such as minute taking during disciplinaries and board meetings. My confidence has grown, and I now feel ready to take on whatever is thrown at me when I move back to London. Acting is still the dream I want to pursue but being equipped with these tools within the HR industry has opened a new door into what could also accompany my acting career.


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