Pay for the time you need. Clients who simply require some hands-on assistance with a specific HR problem,
purchase units of time starting at 12 hours and get a dedicated HR Consultant to manage the process from start to finish.
All templates and documentations are included as part of resolving and concluding the work you have appointed us to do. Here we will not just advise you on what the options are, we will also execute it on your behalf.
We can advise and carry out HR work ranging from:
Handling sickness.
Investigating grievances.
TUPE and redundancy consultations.
Handling welfare Conversations.
Drafting contracts of employment and employee handbooks
HR Outsourcing consultancy
For clients requiring more strategic HR support and needing highly experienced HR at Board level.
Handling sickness.
Change management.
Preparing for sale.
Requiring a due diligence pre-sale.
Shaping your culture.